Lighten Dark Skin Around Your Pubic Area

Discoloration between the Thighs and the Pubic area is a cosmetic issue that causes embarrassment, but fortunately it is usually not a medical issue.
Hyper pigmentation of the bikini line can be due to several reasons, the most common being genetic factors. Some people are more likely to develop excess pigmentation in this area than others.
Common causes include overexposure to harmful ultraviolet (UV) sun rays, some type of skin disease, wearing polyester underwear, regular shaving and constant friction between the thighs due to wearing clothes that are too tight.
Excessive sweating and accumulation of dead skin is also a main cause of it.

The following Remedies can Easily lighten your skin between thighs and pubic areas 

1  Apply Lemon Juice and leave it for ten mins ! then rinse with Water 
Lemon is natural and well known skin lightener.You Can Apply it directly,But people having sensitive skin may have rashes so,don't directly Apply to you face test it first on you arm skin or somewhere else . 
2   You can add 1/2 table spoon lemon juice with 1/2 Honey and plain yogurt to get good results in very short time .

3   Baking Soda Or Sodium Bi Carbonate 

It has been used to remove dead skin cells and to catalyst to production of new and healthy skin       cells.Simply Mix it with Lemon Juice and apply paste to you delicate and pubic areas.It really works magically .

4  Aloe Vera 

Aloe vera is a popular natural skin lightener. When used on a regular basis, it can help skin become lighter and fade different skin spots. It even helps repair skin cells and promotes natural regeneration.

  1. Extract the gel from an aloe Vera leaf.
  2. Apply it directly on the dark pubic area.
  3. Leave it on for about 20 minutes, then wash it off with water.
  4. Use this natural treatment once daily for quick results.

5 Cucumber Juice 

Cucumber also has skin lightener properties and minerals in it make your skin healthier and shiner.
Mix lemon juice 1/2 table spoon with cucumber juice,Apply to skin and leave it for 10-15 mins and rines with plain water.Repeat it 2-3 times in weak for good results.

6 Olive Oil

Olive oil is rich in Vitamin E,A, and D that are essential for skin.Add Olive oil in your diet and also apply it to make your skin healthier and glowing rather then dark.
mix olive oil with 1/2 table spoon honey apply and leave it for 10-15 mins,rinse with warm water.

7 Orange Peels

The peels contain more vitamin C than the orange pulp itself. This vitamin plays a key role in combating free-radical damage that destroys functioning skin cells and can make your skin shine with a glow.
  1. Put peels from a couple of oranges in the sun to dry.
  2. Once dry, grind the peels into a fine paste.
  3. Mix 1 tablespoon of orange peel powder and 2 tablespoons of plain yogurt. You can also add a little honey to the mixture.
  4. Apply it over your bikini line where you have dark skin.
  5. Allow it to dry, then scrub off the paste with wet hands.
  6. Finally, rinse the area with cool water.
Repeat two times a week.

8 Tomatoes 

Tomatoes have good properties for skin and also have skin bleaching agents in it cut a small peace of tomato and rubb it on your delicate and pubic areas and leave it for 15 min.It makes skin less sensitive to UV damage, one of the main causes of a dark bikini line.

9 Almonds

The high vitamin E and A content as well as the essential fatty acids in almond oil help nourish, soothe and moisturize your skin. Whole almonds are beneficial for exfoliating and softening the skin.

  • Soak 5 or 6 whole almonds overnight. The next morning, grind them into a smooth paste. Mix 1 tablespoon of whole milk into the paste and apply it on the affected skin. Wait 10 to 15 minutes, then rinse gently while rubbing the paste around in circular motions. Repeat 2 or 3 times a week for best 
  • 10 Turmeric

  • Turmeric has good properties for skin mix 1/2 table spoon turmeric with 1/2 table spoon lemon juice and 1/2 table spoon honey apply it to pubic areas and leave it for 15 min.Repeat 3 times in weak


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