Have A Pearl Shine Skin Naturally

Almonds are rich in vitamin E, an very efficient antioxidant that also defends against sun damage. Nuts also help us maintain healthy weight.People who eat several servings a week are less likely to gain extra pounds
Chia Seeds
Chia seeds are rich in omega 3 and essential fatty acids that wanish blemishes, soften skin and prevent wrinkles, and help keep the skin hydrated and soft.chia seeds help to delay aging process.
Lycopene, the compound that gives tomatoes their rich color, is a powerful antioxidant that eliminates skin-aging free radicals from ultraviolet exposure. Fruits and vegetables rich in carotenoids also color our skin with a healthful glow.
Watermelon is a great source of hydration, hence the name, but also another good source of lycopene. Hydrates skin and make your skin glowing fresh and attractive.  
Sweet Potatoes
These orange tubers are packed with carotenoids and vitamin C which boost collagen production. Collagen controls the strength, firmness, and flexibility of the skin.As they are rich in vitamin c and vitamin c is very essential for skin making it flexible wrinkle free and shining. 
Citrus are another good source of vitamin C.It helps to reduce wrinkles.
Red bell peppers contain more vitamin C than an orange, along with other antioxidants. The spicier peppers come packed with capsaicin, a compound that improves circulation and promotes the release of toxins from the skin.
Spinach is rich in folate, a B vitamin that aids in the repair of DNA and may reduce the risk of skin cancer. Greens like spinach, kale, turnip greens, dandelion leaves, broccoli, and asparagus all are rich in vitamin A, iron, and vitamin K. Iron aids circulation by carrying vital oxygen while vitamin K may help prevent varicose veins.
The omega 6 fatty acids in these oils keep skin supple. Use them in moderation though as they are also calorie-dense.it is a perfect moisturizer for skin.Make you skin looking glowing and younger.it prevents from many types of cancer. 
Coconut Oil
Another oil that is great for skin both internally and externally. It provides some sun protection, fights bacteria, and helps soften skin.it can aslo be used for mask ,moiserizer,cleasenser,and makeup remover.
Sunflower Seeds
These seeds are rich in selenium which preserves elastin to keep skin smooth and tight. Selenium acts as an antioxidant too. Sunflower seeds also contain vitamin E which works well with selenium to enhance the effects of both.
These are another vitamin C rich fruit that may also lower the risks of skin cancer.it boosts immune system.Promotes eye health.It is very beneficial to delay aging. 
These roots are filled with vitamin A from carotenoids. Vitamin A prevents the overproduction of skin cells which can lead to clogged pores and skin cancer.great for skin,eye,health.Prevents from skin cancer.improves skin.
Apples contain an antioxidant naturally have anti aging properties.Enhance cell vitality.Protects and nourish skin.Helps to remove imperfections of skin.


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