5 Super Foods to stop hair loss

Hair loss is a serious problem for men women.It is normal to face hair loss at a certain age.However premature hair loss  is extremely embarrassing.It not only effects the personality but also self esteem. Hair is a fast-growing tissue and what you eat can make a big difference in how your hair grows. For healthy hair growth, a variety of nutrients are required, including vitamins A, C, E, B 5, B 6 and B 12, as well as iron, zinc, protein, essential fatty acids, silica, sulfur and germanium.

1. Eggs

Protein is a primary constituent of hair, so you need to eat protein-based foods like eggs to keep your hair healthy. In addition to protein, eggs are a good source of biotin and other B vitamins that help control hair loss. The protein present in eggs is considered high quality protein and is excellent for hair growth and hair strength.
For maximum benefits, eat both the egg white and yolk. Egg white, in particular has a protein that encourages protein absorption in the body. Try to eat one egg daily or every other day. You can eat scrambled, fried or boiled eggs, depending on your preference.

2. Salmon

Salmon is a type of fatty fish that is good for your brain, your blood vessels, your skin and also your hair. Salmon is an excellent source of omega-3 fatty acids that promote hair growth.

It also contains a good amount of protein along with B vitamins, including B12, and other vitamins and minerals. All these nutrients are essential to enjoy proper hair growth and to solve problems like dry hair, excessive hair loss and so on.
To prevent hair loss, it is essential to eat salmon at least twice a week in order to reap the benefits. You can eat grilled, smoked or baked salmon. Other fatty fish that you can eat to prevent hair loss are herring, sardines, trout and mackerel.

3. Beef

The body needs protein to produce quality hair. Beef contains a good amount of protein along with B vitamins, iron and zinc.

Lean beef can be eaten two or three times a week for optimal hair growth. For best results, try to eat fresh beef instead of the canned version. You can enjoy beef in soups, salads or as a main dish. If you do not like the taste of beef, you can opt for other lean meats like bison, pork and lamb to encourage hair growth.

4. Beans

Beans are a great low-calorie source of protein, fiber, B vitamins, vitamin C, zinc and minerals, which are essential for hair growth. Beans also contain a good amount of iron that is necessary to prevent hair loss.

5. Sunflower Seeds

Sunflower seeds contain plenty of hair loss preventing nutrients including protein, zinc, selenium, biotin, potassium, copper, iron, B vitamins, vitamin E, magnesium and calcium. They are also high in omega-6 fatty acids.


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